How to register in - Watching Ad

It's very simple registering in Ojooo WAD ( Watching AD )
Remember you can create only one account per IP address
* go through this registration link
* follow these steps :
Register to - Watching Ad
Username: choose your username ( you can't change it after registration )
Password: type your passord
Confirm password: retype it
Account e-mail: enter your e-mail address
put your Paypal / Payza / Okpay e-mail ( for standard users can only be paid through Paypal or Payza )
Referral: your sponsor's ID ( yacinonymous is my ID so you will be my refferal )
Personal data:
First name: your first name
Last name: your last name
Street Address/ House No: your Address
Zip/Postal Code: your Zip/Postal Code
City: your City
Telephone: your telephone / mobile number
Date of birth: your age must be at least 18 years old ( you can use a fake date of birth )
Gender: Male/Female
Secret question:
Secret question: set a secret question
Secret answer : set a secret answer for the question
Enter the characters shown in the picture
Terms of Service agreement
you must accept the terms and conditions to complete the registration.

Before you click "Register" I recommand you to save your registration details in a text file in case you forget something
* You will recieve an activation mail, go to your email and activate your account .
* You're done.